New Beginnings

When Covid hit and the U.S. essentially shut down, I had a lot of extra time on my hands.  Extra curricular activities were suspended, social gatherings ceased and I could no longer go to church.  Since I was on the road traveling anyway, I hadn't been at my church home in a few months.  Someone asked that I make a video for our online service.  For some reason, I didn't want to sing any of the songs that I had come to love so much so I began to write my own.  Well, 30 minutes later I had written my first song in a VERY long time but it wasn't really appropriate for praise and worship.  haha.  This song expressed my fears and reached down deep into my soul.  This song was the BLUES.  I reached out to my church music director thinking that I was just sharing a part of myself and the rest is history! Somehow, some way I became a singer/songwriter.  Forced stillness revealed my calling.  

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