It's Been A While (New Music) 

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while.  How could 2 months pass without me blogging? If you don't know, I have a YouTube channel (Asha Mae), on which I upload videos weekly.  

I wish I could say that I took a break to sit on a beach, soak up sun, listen to the crashing waves and sip a fruity drink, but alas that is not the case.  I have been working and am excited to announce that my new single drops TODAY!!!!  Not much of a heads up huh?  Sorry again.  

On this single entitled By Your Spirit I have yet another talk with God.  One that is not beset with despair (Lord Make A Way) or that points out all the darkness that we face (Storm), but one that makes a proclamation that despite all that I/we have done we are deserving of God's love.  Because God is within us, we must not only seek his forgiveness but seek our own.  Once we allow ourselves to truly be forgiven we can emerge anew. 

See, I haven't been twiddling my thumbs.  When you get a chance, take a listen.  I hope you like it!


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